Wouldn’t it be great to have a job at the age of fourteen. Here at San Pasqual Academy the work force partnership allows students to get jobs. When you get a job at SPA You have a couple of options to choose form. You can work at the Agriculture field as a farmer. You can work at the Cafe serving food, or you can work at the Dragons lounge selling junk food. It is always a good idea to get a job when your at Spa because you get a lot of benefits from it.
First of all you when you work at SPA you get paid minimum wage which for a teenager is pretty good. By getting paid you get to open up a bank account with our Financial Literacy department which is a huge benefit for you because when you leave here they double you have in your bank account. That’s a pretty sweet deal right? If you work at SPA and save a lot of money it makes life easier for you when you leave here. Getting a job at SPA can also help you stay out of trouble because it occupies some of your free time. Another benefit is learning social skills. If you don’t treat your co workers with respect and decency you probably wont have a job for very long.
Another big benefit from working at SPA is learning the steps you have to go through to get the job. Make no mistake, it’s no easy task. Before you are able to work you have to complete the work readiness stage. The work readiness program teaches you all the basics to getting a job. They teach you how to fill out the paper work, how to make your resume, how to present yourself in an interview. Basically they give you all the tools you need to get a job. By learning these tools It gives students on campus a little more confidence when they leave SPA because they have that Knowledge of how to get a job. You also learn a lot of independent living skills which is great for when you become an adult and live by yourself.
There are also some defaults on getting a job when your at SPA. A lot of times working at SPA can become overwhelming for students especially if they play sports. it’s hard to maintain having a job, going to school, and playing sports at the same time. Sometimes students get so rapped up in work and other activities they forget about studying and there grades drop. That is pretty much the only disadvantage to getting a job. That’s why it is also good to have an organized schedule and have good time management skills, and if you do there is no reason why you at shouldn’t be working.
By working at SPA you will earn money, learn Independent living skills, and time management skills. To make a long story short It is very beneficial to you and your future to get a job at SPA. It is a good idea to take advantage of these resources SPA gives you. I mean who doesn’t want to earn money and make connections with new people. It is a great opportunity for students that are trying to get there lives together. It is also a great experience for the students who have never thought worked before. I personally I like the portion of getting a job because I like buying myself nice things
Great job on this essay.